Trends Report

B2B Marketers Can Govern L2RM With The Funnel But Must Design To The Customer Life Cycle

March 6th, 2015
With contributors:
Mary Pilecki , Olivia French


The lead funnel (along with funnel derivatives such as the waterfall) gets well-deserved celebrity for giving business-to-business (B2B) marketing pros a metaphor to communicate the relevance of marketing activities to revenue performance. And although the lead funnel has been declared dead in contemporary punditry, it is still the go-to model for most B2B lead-to-revenue management (L2RM) initiatives. Do all these B2B marketing pros have it wrong? This report will show how funnel thinking can distort your L2RM vision and impede your L2RM progress. It also gives guidance about how the funnel can still serve B2B marketing professionals as an L2RM management tool.

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