Trends Report

B2B Marketers Prefer To Create Their Own Content Mostly For Lead Nurturing

January 23rd, 2013
Peter O'Neill, null
Peter O'Neill
With contributors:
Bradford Holmes , Michael Shrum


Effective content marketing is now critical to B2B marketers' success because useful content accelerates potential buyers along their journey. That usefulness is predicated on the content being available and compelling across all touchpoints in the customer life cycle, from the awareness phase through to the phase Forrester calls "customer retention and expansion." Our Q4 2012 US And Europe B2B Marketing Tactics And Benchmarks Online Survey shows that there is still room for improvement. The B2B marketers we surveyed reported that their content marketing is most effective for lead nurturing and much less so for thought leadership. Other indications are from the survey results, which show that most content is produced internally and the use of personas is still limited.

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