Trends Report

BT's Customer Focus Requires New Thinking For Technology Road Maps

Shift From Plans To Options Requires Changes To Investment And Governance Models

February 4th, 2014
Chip Gliedman, null
Chip Gliedman
With contributors:
Margo Visitacion , Peter Burris , Kelsey Murphy


Winning in the age of the customer requires a wholesale transformation of technology planning, acquisition, and management. Traditional annual-based planning cycles and fixed road maps will leave an organization at risk, given the volatility and rapid cycle times inherent in this customer-focused world. CIOs and their business partners in business need a new model for technology road maps — one that emphasizes the creation of business options that can be quickly exercised to react to market opportunities or threats. This report outlines the basis for such thinking and presents the groundwork required to develop such a road map, and the seismic shifts in thinking, planning, and investing that result.

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