Best Practice Report

Best Practices: Command Your I&O Team's Role In The Sourcing Process

Plan The I&O Team's Engagement Through The Three Phases Of The Sourcing Life Cycle

December 4th, 2015
Wolfgang Benkel, null
Wolfgang Benkel
Jean-Pierre Garbani, null
Jean-Pierre Garbani
With contributors:
Laura Koetzle , Eveline Oehrlich , Vanessa Wegner , Rachel Birrell , Kara Hartig


Customers demand superior experiences and innovation, which means that your infrastructure and operations (I&O) team must master agile and efficient service delivery. Many I&O teams cannot meet these demands with in-house resources and must thus source them from partners. This report gives I&O professionals a blueprint for stepping up their involvement in all three phases of the sourcing process to ensure that the complete solution delivers for customers.

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