Trends Report

Brief: CIOs Must Add Apple To Their Business Technology Agenda For 2015

Apple's Expanded Ambitions For And Influence In Mobile Moments Signal A Larger Role In Business Technology

March 23rd, 2015
Frank Gillett, null
Frank Gillett
With contributors:


Why should CIOs revisit the details of Apple's 2014 product announcements? Because this time it signaled an expanded role for Apple in the mobile moments of customers and employees that will reach deep into enterprise systems and transactions. With the growing success of Apple Pay since its October launch, and the expected debut of Apple Watch in April 2015, it's time for a quick level-set on Apple's technology from the perspective of the CIO. This brief outlines the key points of Apple's 2014 announcements, describes the five innovations that Apple is fueling in mobile moments and micro moments, analyzes four implications for the CIO's team, and includes links to several follow-up analyses of specific aspects of Apple's technologies and products for 2015.

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