Trends Report

Brief: Change Buying Habits For New Data Center Solution Packaging

Colocation Providers Adapt To Help You Better Serve Your Customers

January 23rd, 2015
Sophia I. Vargas, null
Sophia I. Vargas


Formerly targeting only raw cost reduction, data center and colocation service providers have matured with evolving services. Providers have recognized the need to serve a true business technology (BT) agenda and are creating new value offerings. In some ways, much of your infrastructure is a commodity. Colocation providers are developing new ways to differentiate their services, demonstrating how they can help serve the needs of your business. If you want more than cheap data center space, this strategy will take the pressure off raw price, as it gives you more power to negotiate exactly what you need in terms of flexibility, service levels, and customization. This report outlines the changing style of these relationships and how infrastructure and operations (I&O) professionals should rethink traditional purchasing processes to build out a durable yet nimble data center strategy for their business.

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