Trends Report

Brief: Data Stewardship Workbenches Instrument Data Value

Valuing Data Helps To Drive More Effective Data Governance

February 2nd, 2015
Henry Peyret, null
Henry Peyret
With contributors:
Michele Goetz , Leslie Owens , Alex Cullen , Abigail Komlenic


Data governance is hot. Despite the uncertainty around what data governance should cover, enterprise architecture (EA) professionals are recognizing that the practice is mandatory to succeed in the age of the customer. And now data governance should cover deeper privacy concerns and expand to how data is used— a shift Forrester calls data governance (DG) 2.0. In The Forrester Wave™: Data Governance Tools, Q2 2014, we find that most vendors are offering tools that are good for data governance 1.0, but few even start the journey toward data governance 2.0. This brief details three innovative small vendors particularly focused on the emerging discipline of data stewardship management.

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