Trends Report

Brief: Embrace "Deal ID" Now To Support Direct Sales And Programmatic Growth

Codifying The Variables That Comprise Programmatic Ad Deals Will Boost Programmatic Trading And Simplify Advertisers' Lives

November 11th, 2014
Susan Bidel, null
Susan Bidel
With contributors:
Luca S. Paderni , Samantha Merlivat , Wei-ming Egelman


Marketing leaders and publishers are pursuing programmatic ad trading to achieve greater efficiencies and inform sales and campaign execution strategies with more-granular and more-precise customer and market data. Capturing the technical details that make up each trading deal requires a specifically designed protocol, known as "deal ID." Unfortunately, the specs of this trading protocol are still undetermined after years of discussions: There is no universally accepted definition, and consequently, its adoption remains sporadic. The lack of an automated process for capturing trading deal specifications will limit growth in the adoption of programmatic ad trading and have a negative impact on revenue optimization for publishers. Read this report to learn what deal ID is and how, if fully implemented, it can help publishers grow their programmatic advertising revenues.

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