Trends Report

Brief: Establish A Data Governance Journey Toward Data Citizenship

April 27th, 2016
Henry Peyret, null
Henry Peyret
With contributors:
Michele Goetz , Alex Cullen , Gene Leganza , Shaun McGovern , Diane Lynch


Data governance (DG) has long struggled because it oversimplified three key elements of a governance model: objectives, structure, and processes. As firms become more insights-driven, the stakeholders in data governance expand and objectives become more complex. Enterprise architecture (EA) professionals must adopt a new approach to data governance — a 2.0 version, with an end state of data citizenship. There is no single path to this end state, as every firm has its own dynamics. This report provides EA pros with an explanation of the factors shaping the DG journey and how these factors affect their governance evolution.

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