Trends Report

Brief: It's Time To Bet On Midmarket Commerce Tech

The MarketLive, Shopatron, And Fiverun Acquisitions Underscore The Growing Consolidation In Midmarket Commerce Technology

March 3rd, 2016
Adam Silverman, null
Adam Silverman
With contributors:
Fiona Swerdlow , Brendan Witcher , Diana Gold , Rebecca Katz , Laura Glazer


In November of 2015 and January of 2016, Vista Equity Partners acquired Shopatron, MarketLive, and Fiverun, and merged these organizations into a single entity called Kibo. This merger highlights the growing consolidating among midmarket commerce technology vendors. The acquisitions present an opportunity for these vendors to bolster their omnichannel capabilities in an environment where retailers are investing more in commerce technology. This brief summarizes the reasons why consolidation is now shifting to midmarket commerce vendors, and how this trend will benefit retailers.

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