Trends Report

Brief: Publicis' Acquisition Of Sapient Misses The Mark

November 7th, 2014
Sarah Sikowitz, null
Sarah Sikowitz
Adam Silverman, null
Adam Silverman
With contributors:
Sheryl Pattek , Harley Manning , Anjali Yakkundi , TJ Keitt , Andy Hoar , Elizabeth Perez


In an effort to gain market share and increase digital revenue, Publicis Groupe has acquired Sapient, a marketing and consulting company that houses SapientNitro — one of the last large independent digital agencies. Although Sapient brings with it a service offering to help CMOs drive digital business transformation, it does not fill any strategic gaps in Publicis' existing digital portfolio. This brief outlines what CMOs should expect from their Publicis and Sapient agency partners and why this acquisition will not create meaningful value for current and future clients.

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