Trends Report

Brief: SharePoint Innovations Aimed At Employees, Not Customers

Intranets Get Easier, External Uses Stay Hard

April 15th, 2014
Rob Koplowitz, null
Rob Koplowitz
John Rymer, null
John Rymer
With contributors:
Christopher Mines , Dominique Whittaker


In March 2014, Microsoft announced new innovations for SharePoint 2013; this brief analyzes the good and bad news. The many customers who use SharePoint for employee collaboration will find much to like — collaboration within Office documents is far easier, and integration across Office products is deeper and better. Further, Microsoft committed to a device-agnostic mobile strategy that promises payoffs to all Office customers, SharePoint included. Unfortunately, SharePoint users hoping for improvements to it as a platform for customer engagement will be disappointed, as Microsoft made their lives more complex.

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