Trends Report

Brief: The Modern Service Catalog Supports Service Brokering

The Evolution Of The Service Catalog From A Static List To An Interconnected Ecosystem

October 28th, 2014
Eveline Oehrlich, null
Eveline Oehrlich
With contributors:
Jean-Pierre Garbani , Michelle Mai , Stefan Ried, Ph.D.


Forrester interviewed 16 service catalog and cloud management platform vendors to get a read on the service catalog landscape, and the most common term they used to describe the developments of the past year was "exciting"! There is a growing dichotomy between ITIL's definition of service catalog and what is actually being practiced. The days of static, structured documents are dwindling, as service catalogs can now dynamically match consumers with services. Our interviews revealed a shift in both technological capability and the service catalog strategy approach. Many clients are now realizing that they need a strategy for matching workforce demand with their supply of technology management (TM) resources, and are struggling to understand what technologies and solutions are available to support it. Infrastructure and operations (I&O) professionals should use this report as a quick guide to both understand and embrace this rapidly evolving arena that is redefining employee enablement and the brokering of the demand and supply of your business partners.

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