Trends Report

Brief: The New Economics Of Experimentation

Sprint Uses Digital Experimentation To Drive Rapid, Customer-Centric Innovation

August 17th, 2015
Clay Richardson, null
Clay Richardson
With contributors:
Alex Cullen , Shaun McGovern , Diane Lynch


Corporate leaders all agree that to excel in the digital economy, innovation must come from every nook and cranny of the enterprise. To deliver on this innovation imperative, enterprise architecture (EA) professionals are partnering more frequently with business stakeholders to experiment with introducing new products and services that engage customers. The challenge: Managing increasing volumes of experiments inevitably leads to a large number of failures, which can be costly. Facing this exact challenge, Sprint adapted lean startup techniques that provided the right guardrails for digital experimentation. These techniques enabled Sprint to quickly introduce "minimal investment" solutions to experiment with new digital ideas, allowing the company to fail small and learn fast.

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