Trends Report

Brief: What App Store Models Mean For SaaS Sourcing And Governance

How Software-As-A-Service Marketplaces Can Elevate Your SaaS Strategy And Reduce Shadow IT

February 11th, 2016
With contributors:
Christopher Andrews , Arelai Ephraim , Matthew Izzi


We repeatedly hear that software-as-a-service (SaaS) vendors are too numerous (and too small) for formal sourcing processes to apply in all cases. At the same time, the business-led, ungoverned model of "shadow" SaaS deployment has proven problematic — for cost, technology architecture, and security. SaaS app stores promise a way to alleviate this burden and help AD&D pros be more successful with sourcing and governing the proliferating landscape of SaaS vendors. This report discusses the landscape of SaaS app stores and the pros and cons of the different models.

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