Trends Report

Building An Effective Green Marketing Strategy

July 31st, 2008
Cindy Commander
Brian Haven
With contributors:
Jaap Favier , Evadne Cokeh


Organizations are under pressure from consumers, shareholders, and government bodies to develop green strategies. However, many marketers are jumping on the green bandwagon and committing common green marketing mistakes. To avoid these mistakes and build effective green strategies, marketers should focus on seven key actions: 1) assessing current impact and attitudes toward green; 2) listening to consumers about their wants, needs, and ideas for better sustainability; 3) aligning the green strategy with the organization, brand, and consumer values; 4) committing to environmental goals and making significant changes; 5) partnering with outside organizations for credibility, expertise, and joint solutions; 6) educating stakeholders on the issues and benefits of green products; and 7) engaging stakeholders in open dialogue and activities to facilitate behavior change.

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