Trends Report

Brief: Business Relationship Managers Are The Key Link To Delivering Customer Obsession

November 3rd, 2016
Marc Cecere, null
Marc Cecere
With contributors:
Matthew Guarini , Rachael Klehm , Andrew Reese


Business relationship managers (BRMs) in most organizations are not delivering on their potential. They could be advocates for external customers and advise business leaders on the direction of technology, but instead they are usually relegated to solving tactical problems. This report describes how they operate today, how technology and the age of the customer are changing their world, and what CIOs should do about it.

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Forrester helps business and technology leaders use customer obsession to accelerate growth. That means empowering you to put the customer at the center of everything you do: your leadership strategy, and operations. Becoming a customer-obsessed organization requires change — it requires being bold. We give business and technology leaders the confidence to put bold into action, shaping and guiding how to navigate today's unprecedented change in order to succeed.