Trends Report

Canadian Social Technographics® Revealed

How Marketers Can Leverage Canadians' Love Of Social Technologies

December 2nd, 2009
Nate Elliott, null
Nate Elliott
With contributors:
Christine Overby , Jennifer Wise , Michael Greene


Canadian online users have aggressively adopted social technologies: 79% use social media at least once each month, and Canadians are the most active social networkers in any market we survey. So it's little surprise that a variety of marketers — from financial institutions to CPG manufacturers, and even political parties — are already using social technology to reach Canadian audiences. To either initially develop or enhance and extend a successful social media initiative, follow the four-step POST (people, objective, strategy, technology) process: 1) Evaluate how your target audience engages with social tools; 2) identify a social media objective that matches your company's overall marketing goals; 3) create a strategy to connect with your consumers and reach your goals; and 4) select the social platforms and technologies you'll use.

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