Case Study

Case Study: Agile Budgeting And Methodology Expand Beyond BT And Deliver

Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Nebraska Transforms Technology And Corporate Planning And Delivery

April 28th, 2015
Chip Gliedman, null
Chip Gliedman
With contributors:
Peter Burris , Rachael Klehm


Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE) ran a traditional IT organization with traditional IT governance and processes. However, the challenges of a four-year system migration, coupled with dramatic changes in the US healthcare insurance market, triggered a re-evaluation of these processes. A shift to agile development methodologies to meet the needs of this migration led the company to first adopt agile for all of its technology projects — including development and infrastructure. The results: faster and better results with greater transparency and communication that convinced the chief financial officer (CFO) that transparency and open communication can trump traditional governance models.

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