Case Study

Case Study: Black & Decker Fuses eLearning And Traditional Methods To Achieve Learning Goals

April 30th, 2009
Claire Schooley, null
Claire Schooley
With contributors:
Ted Schadler , Sara Burnes


Successful Black & Decker sales staff need a combination of leadership skills, product knowledge skills, and hands-on experience. The sales training group, Black & Decker University, provides a blended approach with online training, instructor lead training (ILT), and both "push" and "pull" reinforcement tools coupled with employee assessment metrics. Learning management system (LMS) vendor CERTPOINT Systems not only records and reports on this learning but also partners with customers like Black & Decker on future technology innovation for learning. Black & Decker has also deployed an employee-generated video library for short clips on product features and use. This blend fits the company's needs and capitalizes on the growing use of video and technology as an effective training delivery method.

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