Case Study

Case Study: California State University, Fresno Implements ITSM Without Breaking The Bank

April 13th, 2011
Eveline Oehrlich, null
Eveline Oehrlich
With contributors:
Peter O'Neill , Lindsey Kempton


When faced with austere budget challenges, California State University, Fresno (Fresno State), with a student population of 21,000 and about 2,300 faculty and staff, realized the need to integrate separate workgroups and become more effective in delivering IT services to the campus. IT needed to reorganize its previously distributed organization and adopt a service management approach to orchestrate resources across the campus and act as a coordinated point of contact for all consumers of IT services. The service management initiative refined several processes, such as closing the loop on incident management, and also required changes in behavior across the organization. The IT team effectively saved 60% of service management software budget year over year.

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