Case Study

Case Study: How Todobebé's Community Transformed Into A Valuable Research Resource

Research Panel Built From Community Provides Insights On Hispanic Moms

May 22nd, 2009
Tamara Barber
With contributors:
Reineke Reitsma , Bailey Liackman


Todobebé's network of Spanish-speaking mothers of young children exemplifies how Web 2.0 is expanding the possibilities for engaging and researching hard-to-reach audiences. After 10 years of building relationships within this unique consumer group, the ¡Viva la Familia! Fiesta Research Panel enables the company and its clients to gain consumer insights from an engaged and enthusiastic client base. The key to this success is that the community is built from a content perspective and was only used for research purposes later, offering a win-win for community members and Todobebé's clients.

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