Case Study

Case Study: IBM Makes Social Media The Responsibility Of Every Employee

An Empowered Report: Spread Social Media Responsibilities Across The Organization To Empower Employees And Strengthen The Brand

November 18th, 2010
Jeff Ernst, null
Jeff Ernst
With contributors:
Jennifer Bulmahn , Cory Munchbach , David Cooperstein


As a global technology leader focused on delivering forward-looking technology and solutions, IBM is no stranger to taking a unique approach in order to generate a stronger end result. To encourage discussion and foster a cultural affinity for social media across its vast network of 400,000 employees, countless partners, and global customer base, IBM made social engagement a key responsibility of every employee. Through a collaborative effort led by marketing, employees embraced social media to help get the word out about IBM solutions and events. The result was a measurable increase in awareness and tighter collaboration among IBM employees to better meet customer needs.

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