Case Study

Case Study: Jason's Deli Delivers Delicious Customer Service And Experience

Visibility And Interconnectivity Yield A Responsive Service Ecosystem And Curious Workforce

July 17th, 2014
Courtney Bartlett, null
Courtney Bartlett
With contributors:
Eveline Oehrlich , Michelle Mai


It's difficult to make a good sandwich if you don't understand your customer's order or you can't find the ingredients you need. Similarly, it's difficult to deliver a service smoothly if you don't understand its components, manage partner relationships if you can't locate related contracts, or track the performance of your organization without an accurate means of reporting. These were just a few of the business problems faced by Jason's Deli prior to its service management transformation. An opaque service environment and a cumbersome IT service management (ITSM) tool that was inhibiting rather than enabling its employees threatened internal and external customer experience. Service management professionals should read this report for an overview of one technology management department's journey from fragmented and disjointed service delivery to interconnected and streamlined service delivery.

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