Case Study

Case Study: Learning From GlaxoSmithKline's Cloud-Based Email Decision Process

How GlaxoSmithKline Decided To Move To Microsoft Online Services

June 16th, 2009
Christopher Voce, null
Christopher Voce
With contributors:


GlaxoSmithKline is moving approximately 90,000 email users to Microsoft's Exchange Online, a cloud-delivered service. To make the decision, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) went through a rigorous internal discovery process to calculate costs, find dependencies, and analyze its workforce. The result is that GSK is able to optimize its messaging and collaboration platform to meet the full range of its end users' requirements — while saving on its ongoing costs. To make your own cloud-based opportunity, learn from GSK's experience and: 1) analyze your workforce needs; 2) tier your workforce to optimize costs; and 3) calculate your own fully loaded costs.

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