Case Study

Case Study: MassMutual Helps Gen Yers See Into Their Futures

Edutainment Succeeds In Engaging Twentysomethings Through Digital Tools

July 27th, 2011
With contributors:
Carrie Johnson , Bill Doyle , Beth Hoffman , Douglas Roberge


The Retirement Services Division at Massachusetts Mutual Financial Group (MassMutual) provides retirement savings programs through employers across the US. An important segment that will consume these kinds of financial planning products and services is the nearly 80 million Gen Yers (ages 18 to 30) who have either just joined or will be joining the workforce. This big market has a few factors working at odds for responsible financial literacy: student loan and credit card debt, plus a lack of content that strikes a chord with these twentysomethings. To get this significant and potentially affluent market introduced to an entry-level financial relationship that MassMutual can grow, the company turned to its agency, Acsys Interactive, to build an edutainment tool that casts the actual employee participant as the star attraction. What can other financial services eBusiness and channel strategy teams learn from MassMutual's experience? Understand the decision process, engage emotions, plan for mobile at the outset, and think of your audience as a channel.

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