Case Study

Case Study: State Street Gives Workers Scheduling Flexibility And Reaps Business Benefits

Giving Employees Choice As To When And Where They Work Helps Recruiting, Retention, Team Work, And Sustainability Efforts

August 1st, 2011
TJ Keitt, null
TJ Keitt
With contributors:
Matthew Brown , Heather Martyn


In 2009, State Street, a Boston-based financial services firm, created its Flex Work Program to recruit and retain top talent. Why? State Street's leaders felt that finding and holding on to these people was essential to growing the business. The program provides employees with five options for managing their schedule or working location. It has been a success for State Street: Two-thirds of the firm participates, and it is helping the firm achieve operational efficiencies such as increased productivity and improved business continuity. State Street's success came from the joint efforts of HR, IT, real estate, and business stakeholders. This report outlines how State Street created these working relationships and how content and collaboration professionals can follow suit.

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