Case Study

Case Study: The Homecoming King

J.P. Morgan Improves Performance And Responsiveness By Bringing Its Retirement Plan Services' Infrastructure In-House

November 30th, 2010
Christian Kane, null
Christian Kane
Robert Whiteley III, null
Robert Whiteley III
With contributor:
Lindsey Kempton


As more multiyear infrastructure outsourcing contracts come up for renewal, we see a surge of I&O teams looking to bring infrastructure back in-house. But how do you go about it? J.P. Morgan went through this effort — internally dubbed "Project Homecoming" — with a three-step approach that first focused on people, then integrated the necessary hardware, and wrapped up by mapping the applications to the new infrastructure. The result was a dramatic improvement in efficiency and, more important, control. J.P. Morgan's Retirement Plan Services team can now respond to the business in hours, not the days it took in its previously outsourced environment. J.P. Morgan's experience and expertise in managing technology insourcing projects like this one offer lessons that all I&O departments can learn from.

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