Case Study

Case Study: USA Fact Uses Mobile To Boost CRM Adoption And Productivity

October 6th, 2011
William Band, null
William Band
With contributor:
Connie Moore


What do you do when the economy tanks, sales shrivel, and profitability shrinks? This was exactly the challenge facing the management and sales team at USA Fact, a pre-employment screening company. In the aftermath of the recent recession, it needed to boost revenue and sales productivity — and fast. To address this problem, the company implemented a mobile CRM solution and used mobile CRM best practices to boost productivity and sales performance. The result? User adoption of the company's CRM solution soared to 90%; two salespeople hit the same overall sales target that seven could not reach in the past; 2011 sales have increased by 12% compared with 2010; and the time to develop quotes for customers has been dramatically reduced.

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