Case Study

Case Study: USAA Uses Social Media To Drive Sales, Product, And Service Strategies

Capturing Ratings And Reviews Fits Well With USAA's Overall Strategy

March 12th, 2010
Brad Strothkamp, null
Brad Strothkamp
With contributors:
Carrie Johnson , Courtney Tincher , Brendan McGowan


Financial services firm USAA created its first formal social media strategy in October 2008. In 2009, it further refined and represented the strategy as four pillars of focus: listening, engaging, strengthening relationships, and innovation. As a tactic of listening and engaging, USAA engaged Bazaarvoice to offer ratings and reviews to its members on Nearly a year later, the results are astounding. Thousands of members have provided reviews, and USAA has used those reviews to drive product improvements, improve Web site conversion, and increase interactive marketing effectiveness.

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