Case Study

Case Study: Z Gallerie Crafts A Results-Oriented, Mobile-Specific Search Strategy

This Retailer Successfully Drives Mobile Search Consumers Through A Multichannel Customer Life Cycle

June 4th, 2015
Jennifer Wise, null
Jennifer Wise
With contributors:
Srividya Sridharan , Mike Carpenter


Brick-and-mortar retailer Z Gallerie realized it was time for a mobile search strategy when analytics revealed that its consumers were increasingly connecting with it through mobile channels. To reach these consumers and drive revenue, Z Gallerie partnered with Wpromote to understand the role that mobile search played in the customer life cycle and craft a mobile-specific search strategy to appeal to mobile searchers' intent. This case study explains how B2C marketers can take a unique approach to their mobile search campaigns and use analytics to drive and measure business results.

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