Trends Report

Chief Customer Officer Snapshot, 2014

March 11th, 2014
Paul Hagen, null
Paul Hagen
With contributors:
Harley Manning , Curt Nichols


Chief customer officers (CCOs) have the deep understanding of customer needs and the strong operational skills needed to help companies evolve in the age of the customer. Every year, Forrester collects and analyzes data about these leaders to understand who they are, where they come from, and which companies appoint them. Worryingly, our data shows that despite CCOs existing at the biggest companies, including more than 6% of the S&P 500, and having a seat at the top, the position remains largely experimental. For that reason, Forrester foresees a choppy road ahead for CCOs, who must prepare for both increased attention and operational responsibilities as they strive to establish their position and drive change.

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