Trends Report

Competitive Analysis: Application Performance Management And Business Transaction Monitoring

A SWOT Analysis Of APM And BTM Software Vendors

September 9th, 2010
Jean-Pierre Garbani, null
Jean-Pierre Garbani
With contributors:
Lauren Nelson , Eveline Oehrlich


IT and business services have grown exponentially in size, diversity, and complexity over the past few years. The complexity of many transactional business services has reached a point where the diversity of issues coming from multiple dependencies is way beyond team skills and cooperation. The difficulty of resolving issues in transactions and applications directly affects the quality of service and the enterprise's overall productivity and revenue. It's also a source of unplanned work for many IT resources, which has consequences on IT operational costs. Consequently, IT management tools and especially application performance management (APM) and business transaction monitoring (BTM) have gained in importance over the past year. As the competition heats up between APM and BTM vendors, Forrester thinks that an analysis of what the market has to offer is in order.

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