Trends Report

Consumer Security Market Trends, 2009 To 2010: The Freeware Threat

December 4th, 2009
Jonathan Penn
With contributors:
Jean-Pierre Garbani , Edward Radcliffe


The rise of freeware represents one of the most disruptive forces to hit the consumer security market. Free solutions of good quality have changed the market dynamic from one where original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and retail channel partners had a near guarantee of market share to one where online downloads rule and market share only comes from influencing consumers through user-generated content and other word-of-mouth efforts. The freeware movement is here to stay and will continue to grow at a rate outpacing that of pay solutions. Incumbent vendors must adapt by learning how to achieve a balance that both embraces the tactics of freeware vendors and retains a customer base vital to corporate revenues, brand, and solution effectiveness.

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