Trends Report

Consumers Respond To The Economic Downturn By Cutting Their Healthcare Spending

August 19th, 2009
Elizabeth Boehm, null
Elizabeth Boehm
With contributors:
William Chu , Moira Dorsey , Angela Beckers


Congress is struggling with healthcare reform and debating issues like how to create a public plan and fund expanded coverage. But consumers have to make tough choices regarding their own health and finances today. Almost 40% of consumers report they have cut their healthcare spending because of the recession. But are they making smart choices? Some are showing burgeoning signs of healthcare consumerism — looking for less expensive options for the treatments they need. But many consumers are cutting back on services recommended by their doctors, which may save money in the short run but cost them — and the system at large — dearly in the long run. Customer experience professionals at health plans must engage with members and provide them with the resources they need to make informed decisions to help tip the scales toward positive change.

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