Trends Report

Customer Experience Budgets Weather The Storm In 2009

Firms Will Grow Customer Experience Spending Despite Tough Economic Times

March 17th, 2009
Megan Burns, null
Megan Burns
With contributors:
Bruce Temkin , William Chu , Steven Geller


A recent survey of Forrester's Customer Experience Peer Research Panel shows that while most firms will keep spending flat, many still plan to grow spending in key budget categories like Web design, measurement technology, and persona development despite the difficult economic situation. Unfortunately, services spending looks to be the most vulnerable. Panelists expect overall cuts in customer experience spending to be less than cuts in other parts of the business. Great experiences are key to attracting and retaining customers in this environment, so customer experience professionals shouldn't be afraid to ask for funding in 2009. Just be sure to make an argument that's in tune with the current business climate by positioning Web usability as a cost-cutting measure.

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