Trends Report

Customer Experience Index, 2011: Health Insurance Plans

Health Insurance Plans' Improvement Efforts Are Starting To Pay Off . . . Slowly

April 29th, 2011
Megan Burns, null
Megan Burns
Elizabeth Boehm, null
Elizabeth Boehm
With contributors:
Harley Manning , Jennifer Peterson


Health insurance plans as an industry had the lowest average score in Forrester's Customer Experience Index, 2011. But the news isn't all bad. Companies like Tricare and Kaiser had scores in the "meets needs" and "easy" categories that were as many as 19 percentage points above the industry average. And Cigna, Aetna, and Medicare have all seen their Customer Experience Index (CxPi) scores rise slowly over the past three years. We spoke to a few of the plans having scores that went up this year to find out what they did and discovered best practices that helped drive that improvement.

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