Predictions Report

Customer Experience Predictions For 2009

Five Things Every Customer Experience Professional Should Think About

January 26th, 2009
Megan Burns, null
Megan Burns
With contributors:
Moira Dorsey , Harley Manning , Steven Geller


The definition of what makes a "great" customer experience is constantly changing. To help firms keep up, Forrester identified five things that we expect to influence the definition of customer experience excellence in 2009 and beyond: Experience-Based Differentiation (EBD), Social Computing, multichannel experiences, the rise of Gen Y, and the advent of emotional experiences. Even in this tough economic environment, firms must take steps to respond to these factors if they hope to remain competitive. Customer experience professionals must research how changes in the customer experience landscape affect the makeup and expectations of their firms' target user populations and make the case that without appropriate improvements even the best of today's experiences will fall behind, putting their firms at risk for lost business.

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