Trends Report

Customer-Activated Communication And Collaboration Will Support The BT Agenda

A New Class Of Applications Emerges That Will Transform Core Processes

March 2nd, 2015
Philipp Karcher, null
Philipp Karcher
Art Schoeller, null
Art Schoeller
With contributors:
Peter Burris , Danielle Jessee


Listening and responding to the voice of the customer (VoC) is rapidly becoming an imperative. Marketing often gets the listening ball rolling, but real transformation integrates systems to capture VoC data with systems to distribute data to decision-makers. The customer-activated enterprise (CAE) is one that allows every employee to leverage the voice of the customer in every decision, every day. Application development and delivery (AD&D) professionals need to lead this transformation in three key ways: 1) Align colleagues, starting with marketing, that are currently in investing in technology to ensure common business objectives are met, 2) Provision technology that embeds crucial integration standards to minimize operational complexity and maximize fidelity of VoC insights, and 3) Drive a business technology (BT) agenda that transforms critical parts of the organization to fully utilize new information sources from customers and new communication channels with customers. This report shows how leading companies are redesigning core processes like product development and fulfillment to align with customer demands.

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