Data Overview Report

Data Insight: Online Purchase, In-Store Pickup

A Technographics Data Deliverable

August 10th, 2012
Gina Fleming, null
Gina Fleming
With contributors:
Reineke Reitsma , Timothy Wikert , Anjali Lai


The use of "buy online, pick up in-store" has grown over the past few years. About 43% of US online adults currently use this feature. In-store pickup is a great way for retailers to create upsell opportunities, as a third of consumers who go to the store to collect their goods state that they buy additional products when in-store. These consumers are more likely to use coupons, and they are open to using their mobile phone or tablet to purchase goods. To cater to the needs of this group and encourage upsell, retailers can send these consumers mobile coupons when they are in the store picking up their products; they can also ensure that the in-store-pickup process is optimized for mobile phones and tablets.

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