Trends Report

Demand Insights: Serious Games Break Through

Player Interest Points To Game-Market Opportunities

March 11th, 2009
TJ Keitt, null
TJ Keitt
With contributors:
Abe Garon , Bradford Holmes , Chétina Muteba


Cisco Systems, IBM, and Microsoft all have made early investments in serious games. Whether or not these tech titans are being prudent depends on the answer to two critical questions: Are the games effective? And do players really want to play them? Forrester's research finds that 10% of North American online adults have played at least one of three types of serious games, and the reviews are generally positive. Of those who have not played, most believe there is some value in serious gaming, but only a few express solid interest in playing. To successfully refine and sell their products, smart game vendors will consider what makes both current and nonplayers tick.

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