Trends Report

Developing Modern Applications With Agile Outsourcing: Part Two

The Key Contractual Prerequisites For Agile Outsourcing Relationships

May 8th, 2014
Wolfgang Benkel, null
Wolfgang Benkel
With contributors:
Christopher Andrews , Fraser Tibbetts


Agile development (or simply “agile”) continues to see consistent, strong adoption. However, only a small percent of firms is outsourcing agile application development due to a lack of experience with the development sourcing approaches and governance models needed to make it work. This lack of experience is a key challenge in the development and spread of agile practices with external partners. To do this successfully and without jeopardizing the benefits of agile, new approaches to agile contracting are crucial. This report is the second in a series and describes best practices for incorporating agile in outsourcing relationships, including setting pricing models, defining service scope, and identifying metrics for service levels and improvements.

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