Trends Report

Differentiate Your Customer Experience With Signature Moments

Localizing Customer Experiences, Part 3

September 11th, 2015
Ryan Hart, null
Ryan Hart
With contributors:
Frederic Giron , Harley Manning , Alice Ma , Bill Nagel


Customer experience (CX) can be thought of as the series of interactions a customer has along a given journey with a brand. The holistic brand experience looks at the sum of these interactions; in contrast, each interaction is made up of a series of microinteractions. Firms often overlook microinteractions, but this is a mistake: The details are precisely where companies have opportunities to localize and differentiate their customer experiences. These small-scale opportunities, when carefully tied back to the brand, give birth to what Forrester calls "signature moments." This report explores the what, how, and where of signature moments and how CX professionals can carefully design them and infuse them into broader customer journeys to delight and resonate with local customers.

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