Trends Report

Digital Business Leadership

The Chief Digital Officer: Fad Or Future?

December 18th, 2013
Nigel Fenwick, null
Nigel Fenwick
With contributors:
Peter Burris , David M. Cooperstein , Nancy Wang


This is a pivotal time for CIOs — a time to step into the limelight or remain in the shadows. This report, originally written for CMOs, is a must-read for CIOs, especially those with a vision to transform their business through digital technologies. The report highlights the role of many CMOs in shaping the future of digital business. But digital business requires business technology, and CIOs are ideally positioned to partner with CMOs to lead the digital transformation. The shape of digital leadership will have profound and potentially lasting impact on the CIO and the technology leadership team. Many CIOs have the experience and expertise to lead digital strategy for their business, but to do so they must shift their focus away from information technology toward business technology.

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