Trends Report

Digital Twin Links IoT Data With Customer And Business Outcomes

Digital Twin Frameworks Provide Enterprisewide Context To IoT Data

October 31st, 2018
Nate Fleming, null
Nate Fleming
With contributors:
Paul Miller , Frank Gillett , Jeffrey Hammond , Christopher Mines , Allison Vizgaitis , Andrew Reese


Firms use the internet of things (IoT) to connect their products in the field, but what to do with the resulting data remains a challenge. Digital twins of products in the field aggregate and analyze several sources of relevant data, allowing product makers to manage their products more efficiently, prevent product downtime, and offer value-added services to improve customer experience (CX). CIOs and digital leaders in the product maker value chain should read this report to refine their approach to deploying digital twin to catalyze business and customer value.

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