Trends Tool

Do Smartphone Owners Use The App, The Mobile Site, Or Both?

A Forrester Data Snapshot

June 15th, 2016
Nicole Dvorak, null
Nicole Dvorak
Kyle Steinhouse, null
Kyle Steinhouse
With contributors:
Reineke Reitsma , Theresa Pappafotopoulos , Xiaotong Duan


Apps and mobile websites serve both distinct and overlapping needs, sometimes for the same customer. By looking at consumers’ passively collected behavior on smartphones, we found that for some industries, a large group of users accessed both a brand’s app and its mobile site in the same month. Understanding how your customers are using your brand’s platforms, and the platforms with which you partner, will help you create mobile experiences that align with your customers’ use patterns. This data snapshot shows that consumers choose the web for discovering, exploring, and buying activities but use apps for deep engagement.

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