Trends Report

EA's Next Evolution: Business-Centric Architecture

April 7th, 2009
Jeff Scott, null
Jeff Scott
With contributors:
Alex Cullen , Mimi An


Making the leap from technology-centric architecture to business-centric architecture might be enterprise architects' biggest challenge yet. Business architecture is not simply another enterprise architecture (EA) view. It is an entirely different way to think about architecture with its own set of goals, processes, and deliverables. Though the shift to business technology will be difficult, the rewards will be great. Business architecture will provide the major vehicle for aligning IT capabilities with business outcomes. A well-defined business architecture will provide new business insights, uncover unseen opportunities, and guide business investments to where they deliver the most value. CIOs should direct their enterprise architects to sharpen their business skills, increase their business interactions, and develop their business architecture road map.

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