Trends Report

Empowered Business Technology Defined

The Future IT Organization And Its Implications For CIOs

July 18th, 2011
Khalid Kark, null
Khalid Kark
Marc Cecere, null
Marc Cecere
Nigel Fenwick, null
Nigel Fenwick
Chip Gliedman, null
Chip Gliedman
Craig Symons, null
Craig Symons
With contributors:
Sharyn Leaver , Kimberly Naton


The empowered era has brought about a paradigm shift for IT organizations. Employees and customers are no longer relying on IT to provision and manage technology. They are using social, mobile, cloud, and video technologies to bypass IT. Your customers now expect on-demand information, customized user experiences, and mobile apps. Some CIOs have reacted to this shift by vigorously defending their turf from these encroachments. Others have ceded control to third-party service providers and business managers who now make their technology decisions. Forrester believes that these changes bring a unique opportunity for CIOs to step up and transform their IT organizations into influential and critical business partners. The voyage will not be easy for many CIOs, and it will require a completely different mindset, organizational competency, governance model, and sourcing strategy.

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