Trends Report

End User Computing Trends In Asia Pacific In 2012 And 2013

From Desktop Virtualization To User Experience Management

August 1st, 2012
Michael Barnes, null
Michael Barnes
With contributors:
Dane Anderson , David Brodeur-Johnson , Bryan Wang , Rupika Malhotra


Over the next several years, successful organizations across Asia Pacific will radically alter their approach to end user computing. Companies will continue to use desktop virtualization to simplify desktop provisioning and management, but they will also use it as part of a broader and more fundamental approach to delivering flexible, dynamic business services in a way that reflects the way users actually work. The focus of IT will therefore expand beyond device control and security to providing more flexible access to information and resources that improves employee productivity and collaboration. IT and business leaders must understand how the combination of mobility, consumerization, and cloud computing are driving demands for an improved user experience and what impact this demand will have on IT's ability to enable empowered users.

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