Trends Report

European Mobile Workplace: The Strategic Sourcing Agenda In 2014

Sourcing This Year Must Focus On Devices, Content, And Role Packages

February 13th, 2014
Henning Dransfeld, null
Henning Dransfeld


2013 was a year for innovation and active deployments for mobile workplace services in Europe, but we see many challenges ahead. In particular, there is a growing imbalance between the expectations of users, and the ability of enterprises to meet those expectations: Users expect mobile productivity support, while CIO organizations are stuck on decisions about device deployments and policies. Putting a structure in place to manage corporate deployments will remain a challenge for many organizations, and they'll struggle to manage several different priorities, including mobile engagement strategy developments, corporate device rollouts, role-based provisioning, managed services, and self-sourcing platforms. This report highlights major trends for mobile workplace services and outlines the areas that are of strategic concern to sourcing professionals.

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